Monday 18 March 2013

Spring Equinox Inspiration

"And spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the spirit of love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on earth's dark breast
Rose from the dreams of its' wintry rest... "

The Sensitive Plant by P .B. Shelley

I love this romantic poem, how it evokes the wonderful mystery of life force returning in nature and as a metaphor for an inner re-awakening that is powerfully possible at vernal equinox.

I am sharing some favourite images that I like to meditate upon as we approach the tipping point into spring; rich in symbolism, depicting the Pagan goddess Eostre re-birthing and re-animating the land.

This can be fully observed in the green lanes of Glastonbury; hawthorn tips, nettles beginning to grow,  and glorious symphonies of birdsong that are an enticement to open all windows and doors and fully receive  nature's sound bath, despite the still chilly weather.

Spring Equinox by Nina Ulana

Eastre by Jacques Reich

Spring by Hans Zatska

Eostre Goddess of Spring by Lost in Black and White

Artha, Goddess of Spring Equinox by Caroline Gully-Lir

Ostara by Cynthia Rudzis

Rebirth of Spring by Pablo Montes

Goddess Ostara by Mickie Mueller

Equinox blessings, be well
