Saturday 31 August 2013

'August, die she must' - the end of summer

Wild brambles, squash and sunflowers - for me the essence of late summer

On this last day of August, on what has been an extraordinary summer by British standards, I pause to reflect on the changing seasons.

This is quite possibly my favourite time of year. I fall so readily into autumn and appreciate the softening, receptive energy as the earth gets quieter and more still. I am feeling and anticipating that right now.

These late days of summer are so lovely.  I am quite giddy on the soft-toned mellow sunshine, that continues to bless us steadily, gently, constantly, streaming warm love and light through still blue skies.

Because of the continued dry weather, our sacred landscape of Avalon is evermore accessible, my favourite walking paths are uncorrupted by mud and rain, so much so that barefoot walking becomes possible, an imperative even: tender feet are safe on fat cushions of green grass and broad ribbed plantain leaves.

Flowers have bloomed, seeds have set, yet the hedgerows are still vibrant, green, punctuated with sudden bursts of bright berries.

Good foraging is possible: the brambles fruited early in the season and it's now time to look for the much smaller dark purple elderberry, often found higher up in the tree line; one has to be quick as they are much favoured by birds.

Cow parsley produces skeletal mandalas of burnt brown seeds and above them green acorns are swelling in size. Not yet ready to fall. But the cob nuts have and litter urban pavements around Glastonbury, crunching satisfyingly under foot, and are mostly taken by squirrels.

I have not yet seen conkers, horse chestnut fruit, in their spiky punk rocker casing coming down from the trees. Two large empresses on Bulwarks Lane, off Wick Hollow are consistently abundant and I am waiting for them. Their falling usually coincides with one of society's great autumnal markers: 'back to school'.

Yes, so summer is still here, yet on her way out, 'August, die she must'

This is a time of fading, of passing, of ever increasing stillness, of quiet returning to the land and our hearts too. We do well to remember that we too are natural beings, as much as any tree, flower or blade of grass. We are subject to the earth's rythm; our bodies know it and are synchronised to this rythm even though we might seek to override Nature by eating out of season food shipped from far away, by using electric light to lengthen the day.

Such a sweet peace is on its way, which would benefit us to attune to. Here's some help from ayurveda.

- Stay connected to the sun at the joints of the day: observe sunset and sunrise to support circadian rythms and promote restful sleep

- Eat seasonal food: cooked with gentle spices that that boost digestive fire as the weakening sun weakens our digestion accordingly.

- Introduce oils to bodycare: warmed sesame to feet and wrists will help pacify vata aggravation that is around the corner at autumn equinox.

- Slow down, or build pauses for rest and contemplation into your day, again harmonising with the slowing of growth in the natural world.

-As we prepare for harvest time, harvest the good that we have received this summer; reflect upon and store happy memories and give thanks!

-Prepare yourself psychologically for a change, the loss of summer for many feels like a death, but we can look ahead to rich texture of autumn with its possibilities for increased comfort, warm, and nurture.

Be well

Saturday 3 August 2013

Breaking bread and meeting the Jesus Deck

Street entrance to the Chapel

Yesterday I attended a friendly celebration of Lammas, first harvest, held in the tiny, virtually hidden chapel of St Margaret and Mary Magdalene here in Glastonbury.

When I arrived, Diana, the minister was in a bit of a flap, as she described it, she was experiencing,  "Oven malarky".

She, her volunteers and visitors had been symbolically kneading and shaping bread dough by hand, but the oven, specially purchased for the event, had tragically failed to perform due to  electrical malfunction.


Resolute, undeterred, Diana was making arrangements by telephone to use the oven at St Benedict's close by, but was gracious enough to pause and welcome me with warmth, interest and personal attention.
View of chapel and garden
I had dual motives for visiting, I liked the idea of a small scale ceremony in such an intimate and private feeling space, that is very much my mood these days.

And I was intrigued by a note on the chapel's facebook page:

'At a loose end on friday afternoon? Come and join us. There may well be some Jesus Deck reading as well.'

Jesus deck readings!?  

I needed to know more, and rummaged around online for some background information on the deck, which is a reprint of an original edition from 1972.

Diana led me along the short length of the chapel lawn, bordered by stunningly well attended flowering plants; it felt to me to be one of the most beautiful and balanced gardens in Glastonbury. The rear bench grants a generous view of the chapel and a true sense of seclusion and safety, though we were only yards away from  a heavily trafficked main road.

Sample card
I could have simply sat and absorbed the bliss of my surroundings, but Diana had the Jesus Deck with her and talked me through it: essentially a summarised pictoral representation of the life of Jesus. A format of 52 cards, divided between the four apostles, plus two 'jokers'.

Diana explained that she didnt perceive the cards to have a divinatory function, but that she did give 'readings' whereby would invite a person to select a card and give a commentary on the episode of the Christ story in question, and that maybe this would be helpful in assisting that person with any current life situations.

She performed this service for me. It was helpful and the card I selected felt pertinent and meaningful. Diana found significance in the colours and imagery and this gave almost a Jungian flavour to her commentary. We discussed my spiritual journey, the cosmopolitan composition of the Glastonbury community and I received a personal prayer.

Symbol of the first harvest
The bread duly arrived. Presented in a variety of shapes that were personalised by the bakers , traditional plaits, twist and cottage loaves and even a a hedgehog!

We used our hands to 'break the bread' and then eat some. Which was warm, crusty outside, soft inside, a little salty, light and good. The feast was completed by a basket of plump, sweet summer berries and enhanced by the steady sunshine and blue sky above.

I took a peek into the main chapel, which I had visited once before, at night, for a session of  the Dances of Universal Peace.

I noticed two delightful icons of female saints that had surely issued from a small painting studio that presently occupies one of the former almshouses. And picked up a copy of the prayer booklet from the ceremony, which I had missed, having arrived late.

Icon of St Margaret

The next formal event at the chapel will be another from the Celtic calender, at Autumn equinox.

The Jesus Deck is available exclusively from The Diocese of Chelmsford Resource Centre: 

Tel: 01245 294405

Stay up to date with Chapel news and events

May your harvest be bountiful!


Tuesday 30 July 2013

Where to start with Buddhism?

I have been very curious about buddhism for some time now, but have no idea where to really start to learn more about it.  Do you have any suggestions?  

Are there books you would recommend to learn more?  Lizzy

Hey Lizzy, the teachings of Buddha have been endlessly interpreted and while it is more possible than ever before to study pure texts with Tibetan teachers, I have received great benefit from a more recent lineage of teachers from the US who have absorbed the classics in depth and fully understand how to support westerners with our 'special kind' of daily struggles, in our real lives.

I offer here some highlights or gems from my personal dharma (knowledge and practice) library. I hope that you enjoy and use this material as a 'way in' to finding the teachers that are exactly right for you.

Firstly go to Tara Brach and find her audio material and videos which she shares freely, though accepts donations. She is active on YouTube and also has her own site. She has issued a couple of very powerful books, but the audio is an easy way in.

Tara addresses addiction and all kinds of psychological distress with warmth and compassion and teaches these skills, its the way out of suffering, well it has been for me.

John Welwood is also fantastic, you may have to dig a little deeper to find his material. Buy any of his books as he writes prolifically and you can pick them up used for a few dollars.

All John's book emphasize the same message, he speaks to our core wounding; 'the wound of the heart' and indicates a very graceful way of healing that and hence improving our relationships.

Sharon Saltzberg is another teacher who is mature, well established, respected and relevant. She writes and speaks with authority about loving kindness, a core Buddhist teaching.

Kristen Neff is newer to the field and is coming more from an academic perspective than as a teacher of dharma. Her work is an unpacking and examining of a key Buddhist trait - and essential component of self healing: self-compassion.

This overall approach is broadly about a merging of Buddhism and psychotherapy, (another tradition I have richly received from and am about to start training in).

And has really helped me to identify, dissolve and release some very real and pernicous situations I have carried around and repeatedly created for myself as heavy and painful burdens for too many years.

Buddhist dharma has gifted me a kind of practical support I could not find in yoga, which is oriented towards self-realisation. These teachings are helping me to understand and unlock my true nature, how to relate to myself and others with kindness and acceptance and how to cope with the changing conditions and challenges of every day life in a constructive and positive way.

I hope that this will be of benefit to you
Be happy, be well!


Links as mentioned:
A short video which gives a flavour of Tara's approach
All of Tara's talks for free, with a section for those new to meditation.
Excellent interview with John Welwood
'Awakening the Heart' is John's magnum opus, but any of his book are excellent
Recommended audio interview: Sharon Saltzberg discusses the meaning and value of kindness
Kristen Neff's helpful and easily readable guide to self-compassion

Wednesday 24 July 2013

The temple of God is within your soul

The temple of God is within your soul. 
Enter into this quietness and sit there in meditation with the light of intuition burning on the altar.
There is no restlessness, no searching or striving there. 
Come into the silence of solitude, and the vibration there will talk to you with the voice of God.
And you will know that the invisible has become visible, and the unreal has become real.
Parahamsa Yogananda

An elegant summation of the true aim of yoga by a great, good, generous, frankly gorgeous yogi who has done so much to transport and translate the gifts of yoga from east to west. 
I feel the deep truth of his words resonating throughout my being -a lovely feeling.
Hari om 

Thursday 4 July 2013

High summer at Glastonbury Healing Gardens

Good things to come!
I set out for the Healing Gardens under a changing sky, indigo clouds with a cool feel to the day. The sound of tall grasses swooshing in the wind accompanied me as I descended the grass pathway to the growing area.

I paused to greet the chickens who clucked and clamoured as I approached their enclosure. And passed young fruit trees carrying their tender offspring: cherries and apples for later in the season.

A little further along, tiny translucent berries ripening steadily illustrated this moment in time - the sweet spot between summer solstice and lammas.

As I browsed the produce in the planted beds, I noticed that many wild insects were sharing this special place with me. Certain species clearly having an affinity for certain plants: ladybirds on the sage and mint, bees all over the borage and earwigs crawling under the kale.

Exuberance and colour
A delightful sense of harmony spread through me and I thought about how, when we garden with sensitivity and care, nature blesses us with the gifts of her diversity.

The clouds looked as though they might burst at any moment, so I detached myself from my musings and got busy with the day's harvest. Juliet had asked me to pick up some chard and I was interested in salad ingredients for myself.

There was a choice of chard; red, yellow and white stemmed varieties growing comfortably alongside each other. Two types of kale, several lettuce varieties, landcress, rocket, flat leaf parsley and bronze fennel.

I was excited to see so many edible flowers; surely the essence of summer - each a miniature mandala - balance, beauty and perfection on a small scale.  I made my selection with a happy heart.

A nest of onions begging to be picked!

In contrast to the delicate blooms and leaves in the salad beds, heavy, brooding artichokes, robust broad beans like giant's fingers and families of earthy onions asserted a vigorous presence nearby.

I admired a row of strange alien shaped allium heads that rose high into the skyline.

Turning to leave, I noted a bed of chard stalks, left on the earth, laid out to decompose and nurture the soil.

The poetry of dead forms

A transparent reminder of the cycle of life, the quiet efficiency of nature endlessly recycling and wasting nothing and the poignancy of death and changing forms.
Each time I visit the gardens I feel grateful not only for the wonderful food that nourishes my body, but also for the gentle teachings that I receive wordlessly from the plants and other living creatures.

Healing Gardens indeed.

Glastonbury Healing Gardens Co-operative is a year round expanding community project, currently open to new members.


View additional pictures from today's visit on my facebook page

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart

Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart
And try to love the questions themselves 

Don't search for the answers,
Which could not be given to you now,
Because you would not be able to live them

And the point is, to live everything
Live the questions now

Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
You will gradually, without even noticing it,
Live your way into the answer

Rainer Maria Rilke

For me this piece translates the subtle, beautiful feeling that flows from a deep acceptance of circumstances; the recognition of grace at work. The presence of love guiding and healing and moving all things.

Releasing the tension of trying to fix and correct circumstances, the falling back into trust and patience- ahh... and allowing the resolution to unfold, much as in a deep opening in a yoga pose that can only really come from softening rather than striving.

Om shanti - Jennifer

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Today I bestow the essence of Love upon everything

Today I bestow the essence of Love upon everything

Everyone shall be lovely to me

My soul meets the soul of the universe in everyone

Everything is beautiful, everything is meaningful

Ernest Holmes

Monday 18 March 2013

Spring Equinox Inspiration

"And spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the spirit of love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on earth's dark breast
Rose from the dreams of its' wintry rest... "

The Sensitive Plant by P .B. Shelley

I love this romantic poem, how it evokes the wonderful mystery of life force returning in nature and as a metaphor for an inner re-awakening that is powerfully possible at vernal equinox.

I am sharing some favourite images that I like to meditate upon as we approach the tipping point into spring; rich in symbolism, depicting the Pagan goddess Eostre re-birthing and re-animating the land.

This can be fully observed in the green lanes of Glastonbury; hawthorn tips, nettles beginning to grow,  and glorious symphonies of birdsong that are an enticement to open all windows and doors and fully receive  nature's sound bath, despite the still chilly weather.

Spring Equinox by Nina Ulana

Eastre by Jacques Reich

Spring by Hans Zatska

Eostre Goddess of Spring by Lost in Black and White

Artha, Goddess of Spring Equinox by Caroline Gully-Lir

Ostara by Cynthia Rudzis

Rebirth of Spring by Pablo Montes

Goddess Ostara by Mickie Mueller

Equinox blessings, be well
